To speak with one of our Prenuptial Agreement attorneys today, call 619-793-4827.
We offer three choices of prenups:
- The standard prenup. This prenup basically reiterates what is separate and what, if anything, is community property, and lays out all of the paramaters for you. It is a low-cost prenup and no modifications of the contract are included.
- The popular prenup. This one covers a lot of contingencies, is much more robust, and allows up to three modifications/customizations. This one covers areas such as real estate (commercial and residential). retirement accounts, time of death choices, transmutation options, community account, moving to another state, and many other matters. Once you see them, it will provide ideas that you may want to incorporate and we will work with you to make your wishes work. For example, if one spouse owns a house and the other helps paint a room, and the owner sells it. The painting spouse can argue it sold quickly because of the color he or she chose, or how it was painted, and assert in court that they have an interest in the profits because of the labor. Yes, we have items of this nature covered.
- This is the international prenup. This is for our clients w
ho have properties outside the United States. It is very long and covers many aspects of i
nvestments that may be made abroad. This also includes three revisions at no cost.CALL NOW FOR A FREE HIGH-LEVEL CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY WHO HAS DRAFTED AND REVIEWED PRENUPS FOR YEARS; (619) 793-4827.